response.write " Home >> Directory Search " if session("Category") <> "" then response.write ">> "&session("Category")&" " cat_id = session("cat_id") end if response.write ">> Register Yourself :" response.write " " 'response.write "User/Member Registration: Step 2 of 2 " response.write "Note : Please enter accurate information to use the trade services productively. The given information helps us understand your business processes and needs, while maintaining trust and goodwill in the marketplace. " response.write "
Fields marked with asterisk ( * ) are mandatory" dim inquiry,flag flag=true dispform Bottom_Patch %> <% Sub dispform H = false 'response.write request.form("Member_id")&"ee" if request.form("member_id") <> "" then connection s="select * from member where Member_id = "&request.form("Member_id") set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open s, db, adopenstatic h = True end if response.write "" end sub %> |